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St Kitts and Nevis; and Barbados Pride - Caribbean IRN Update August, September, October, November, December 2022

By Shivsharan Trasi - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,




Laws and rights
The Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality (ECADE) and the Saint Kitts Nevis Alliance for Equality (SKNAFE) welcomed the ruling of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court on 29 August, 2022 which said that the buggery laws were unconstitutional. 

Colours Caribbean in Cayman Islands says the UK Privy Council 'continues to enable the oppression of LGBTQIA+ people in the Caribbean by reversing progressive lower court decisions and upholding the enforceability and constitutionality of anti-LGBTQIA+ laws in those states (most of which were themselves introduced by the UK)." But legislators in the UK would like Bermuda to have same-sex marriage.

In Trinidad & Tobago, CAISO: Sex & Gender Justice launched "Implementing a Way Forward," which supports Model LGBTQI+ Workplace Policy through a workshop series and educational materials for organisations.

The Trinidad Daily Express writes about Jamaica being homophobia's last stand while Global Voices suggests Yes and No to the question of whether the Caribbean is becoming more 'gay-friendly.

But while the laws might be changing, , Sizzla says he still not apologising to no 'battyman'  

In Suriname, LGBT organisations condemn bullying as the Ministry of Education says it has zero tolerance for bullying in schools.

Dominican Today reports that homophobia is one of the stigmas that hinders investigation of missing people in the Dominican Republic

The Jamaica Gleaner editorialises about marital rape and the buggery law. 


Climate Change

A letter from Nickoy D. Wilson in the Jamaica Gleaner reports about pilot research done about climate change and LGBT Jamaicans commissioned by the Equality for All Foundation.  

CDEMA conducts a gender mainstreaming workshop and the World Meteorological Association Technical Focal Point for Antigua recognises LGBT persons as among the vulnerable populations to consider in planning for disaster management.


Jasmin Rattan tells her story as a transwoman from Guyana who had to move to the Netherlands to live her true self.

In Guadelope, a small group participates in  "la "marche des fiertés" against homophobia. In the Bahamas,  Bahamas Organisation of LGBTI Affairs asserts the rights of Trans citizens in education as there was some discussion about a young trans person.
Dr Nikoli Attai's book “Defiant Bodies: Making Queer Community in the Anglophone Caribbean”  is now available for pre-order

A 'Chinese Caribbean' descendant is celebrated as a 'Gaysian' in Gay Times UK.


 Our Theorizing Homophobias in the Caribbean collection has moved to our Caribbean Sexualities site.


 A Happy 2023 to all from the Caribbean IRN team.



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